
Things I Must Earn!

Welcome to the sobriety calculator. This page will not work unless you have Netscape, Internet Explorer, Opera or a Java compatabile Browser. This calculator is easy to use. Just enter your date in the following form: "Month Day, Year" For example, mine would be Aug 14, 1996. Then simply click the CALCULATE button. Just remember, it doesn't count today until it's over!  CAUTION! Make sure your dates are entered correctly. Your browser WILL error, not this server!  Attention AOL users:  You must have a browser that is compatible with JavaScript.   If the calculator does not work, either you don't have a JavaScript capable browser or you don't have JavaScript enabled.

Enter Sobriety Date:          

You have been sober:                                             





Congratulations! You are a miracle!!!

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This page � Copyright 1996, Wesley E. Simon
It is illegal to copy any or all of this page for anything other than personal use.